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Passion Rooster: Letter to the Visitor!
Passion Rooster - Passion Shindangh
Personally, my name is Carlos Passion Gravid Shindangh Mariano, a pseudonym better known as Passion Rooster, I recently changed my pseudonym Passion Rooster to Passion Shindangh.


People have known me as Passion, or Passion Simply Passion in the Singular "The Voice Door of Your Musical Stop", "The Spokesman of your Midday News" etc .; but in the newspaper "O Estado de São Paulo", in Agência Estado, the colleagues and communicators of Radio and Television Broadcasters and businessmen in general treated me by the name of "Passion of the State Agency." My name has a very long history that will be told in e-Book.


It's a long-standing story. The reasons why visitors to my site have been assiduous in their visits, and who not only care about the social welfare of people, but care to bring knowledge by unraveling people from shackles that enslaves them to vicious circles in some way they can not break free on their own, but instead, enslave other people in their own circle. I'm talking about Spiritual, Emotional, Educational, Social and Professional Liberation.


The teachings are reciprocal, so people can not simply learn and become selfish to the point of omitting the sources that set them free. To follow the Stones Claiming Success Pattern, you have to pass it on to other people!


By: PassionShinhdangh